$a = 5; // 5 as an integer
var_dump($a == 5); // compare value; return true
var_dump($a == '5'); // compare value (ignore type); return true
var_dump($a === 5); // compare type/value (integer vs. integer); return true
var_dump($a === '5'); // compare type/value (integer vs. string); return false
//Equality comparisons
if (strpos('testing', 'test')) { // 'test' is found at position 0, which is interpreted as the boolean 'false'
// code...
// vs. strict comparisons
if (strpos('testing', 'test') !== false) { // true, as strict comparison was made (0 !== false)
// code...
当我们在函数或类方法中使用 ‘if/else’ 条件判断语句时,存在一个常见的误解,’else’语句是必须使用的,以此保证其他的执行情况有明确的定义。然而,如果我们的输出结果是去定义返回值,那么’else’语句就不是必要的,我们可以直接通过return进行返回,使用多余的else语句将变得毫无意义。
function test($a)
if ($a) {
return true;
} else {
return false;
// vs.
function test($a)
if ($a) {
return true;
return false; // else is not necessary
// or even shorter:
function test($a)
return (bool) $a;
$answer = test(2); // the code from both 'case 2' and 'case 3' will be implemented
function test($a)
switch ($a) {
case 1:
// code...
break; // break is used to end the switch statement
case 2:
// code... // with no break, comparison will continue to 'case 3'
case 3:
// code...
return $result; // within a function, 'return' will end the function
// code...
return $error;
namespace phptherightway;
function fopen()
$file = \fopen(); // Our function name is the same as an internal function.
// Execute the function from the global space by adding '\'.
function array()
$iterator = new \ArrayIterator(); // ArrayIterator is an internal class. Using its name without a backslash
// will attempt to resolve it within your namespace.
$a = 'Multi-line example'; // concatenating assignment operator (.=)
$a .= "\n";
$a .= 'of what not to do';
// vs
$a = 'Multi-line example' // concatenation operator (.)
. "\n" // indenting new lines
. 'of what to do';
如果你使用单引号,你可能像这样在一个字符串中输入一个变量名: 'some $thing'
, 你将会看到这样的输出some $thing
. 如果你使用双引号, 他将会尝试解析 $thing
echo 'This is my string, look at how pretty it is.'; // no need to parse a simple string
* Output:
* This is my string, look at how pretty it is.
双引号好比处理字符串的瑞士军刀,他不仅仅是像前文提到的能处理变量,还能处理分析各种特殊字符, 像 \n
换行, \t
缩进, etc.
echo 'phptherightway is ' . $adjective . '.' // a single quotes example that uses multiple concatenating for
. "\n" // variables and escaped string
. 'I love learning' . $code . '!';
// vs
echo "phptherightway is $adjective.\n I love learning $code!" // Instead of multiple concatenating, double quotes
// enables us to use a parsable string
$juice = 'plum';
echo "I like $juice juice"; // Output: I like plum juice
$juice = 'plum';
echo "I drank some juice made of $juices"; // $juice cannot be parsed
// vs
$juice = 'plum';
echo "I drank some juice made of {$juice}s"; // $juice will be parsed
* 在大括号内的复杂变量也将被解析
$juice = array('apple', 'orange', 'plum');
echo "I drank some juice made of {$juice[1]}s"; // $juice[1] will be parsed
Nowdoc 语法在PHP5.3中被介绍,他的使用方式与单引号相同,唯一区别是它可以使用多行字符串而无需进行连接。
$str = <<<'EOD' // initialized by <<<
Example of string
spanning multiple lines
using nowdoc syntax.
$a does not parse.
EOD; // closing 'EOD' must be on it's own line, and to the left most point
* Output:
* Example of string
* spanning multiple lines
* using nowdoc syntax.
* $a does not parse.
Heredoc 语法 插入行为与双引号相同,也适用于多行字符串,同时不需要进行字符串的连接。
$a = 'Variables';
$str = <<<EOD // initialized by <<<
Example of string
spanning multiple lines
using heredoc syntax.
$a are parsed.
EOD; // closing 'EOD' must be on it's own line, and to the left most point
* Output:
* Example of string
* spanning multiple lines
* using heredoc syntax.
* Variables are parsed.
$a = 5;
echo ($a == 5) ? 'yay' : 'nay';
echo ($a) ? ($a == 5) ? 'yay' : 'nay' : ($b == 10) ? 'excessive' : ':('; // excess nesting, sacrificing readability
$a = 5;
echo ($a == 5) ? return true : return false; // this example will output an error
// vs
$a = 5;
return ($a == 5) ? 'yay' : 'nope'; // this example will return 'yay'
$a = 3;
return ($a == 3) ? true : false; // Will return true or false if $a == 3
// vs
$a = 3;
return $a == 3; // Will return true or false if $a == 3
同理适用于以下运算符(===, !==, !=, == etc).
$a = 3;
return ($a == 3) ? "yay" : "nope"; // return yay or nope if $a == 3
// vs
$a = 3;
return $a == 3 ? "yay" : "nope"; // return yay or nope if $a == 3
括号的包围还将我们要检查块的语句块视为一个整体。如下面这个例子,如果两个代码块($ a == 3和$ b == 4)都为真且$ c == 5也成立,则返回true。
return ($a == 3 && $b == 4) && $c == 5;
Another example is the snippet below which will return true if ($a != 3 AND $b != 4) OR $c == 5.
return ($a != 3 && $b != 4) || $c == 5;
有时, 程序员们尝试让他们的代码看起来更整洁,通过不同的名称声明一个预定义变量。但是这也将消耗两倍的内存。对于下面这个例子,我们书写一个字符串将包含1MB的数据量。但是因为拷贝变量,当你在执行脚本的时候内存的消耗将增加到2MB。
$about = 'A very long string of text'; // uses 2MB memory
echo $about;
// vs
echo 'A very long string of text'; // uses 1MB memory